The AgResults Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine Challenge Project: Stakeholder Views

On 22 January 2020, GALVmed and AgResults launched the   AgResults Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine Challenge Project,  an eight-year, US$15.8 million prize competition that encourages the development and uptake of high-quality FMD vaccines tailored to meet the needs of Eastern Africa.

The launch, which was held alongside the EuFMD Vaccine Security Meeting at FAO headquarters in Rome, brought together various stakeholders from the animal health industry.

We spoke to representatives from GALVmed, AgResults and several pharmaceutical companies on varying topics – ranging from the impact of FMD to how private vaccine manufacturers can engage with the new project.

This new initiative is funded by AgResults, a collaborative initiative between the governments of Australia, Canada, the UK and the US as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. GALVmed is implementing the project.

Initiative specifics:

Focus on FMD:

Vaccine Manufacturers impressions: