GALVmed’s Monitoring & Evaluation function collects and analyses data from the field. This data is typically collected through questionnaires of small-scale producers, vets, paravets, vaccinators and rural retailers (agrovets). This provides an evidence-based approach that is used to develop GALVmed strategy and planning. Additionally, sales data from specific Commercial Development initiatives are used to assess the impact of small-scale livestock producers adopting key animal health products in terms of the Net Economic Benefit (NEB) accrued from the use of these products.
PREVENT Impact Evaluation Baseline Study
MAHABA Landscaping Study - Uganda
A high level estimation of the net economic benefits to small-scale livestock producers arising from animal health product distribution initiatives
Rapid gender landscaping analysis in the poultry sector: Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe
An analysis of the impact of Newcastle disease vaccination and husbandry practice on smallholder chicken productivity in Uganda
Newcastle Disease Vaccine Adoption Cluster Studies: India, Nepal & Uganda
Household Dynamics within Livestock-Owning Smallholder Households: India, Ethiopia, Tanzania
Assessing the Economic Sustainability of early GALVmed Market Development Pilot Projects: 5 Years On
Vaccinator Performance: India and Nepal
Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Poultry Productivity Changes: Mayurbhanj, India
Assessing the impact of a novel strategy for delivering animal health interventions to smallholder farmers
Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Poultry Productivity Changes: Gairo, Tanzania
Assessing the impact of a novel strategy for delivering animal health interventions to smallholder farmers
Comparing smallholder poultry husbandry practices between adopters and non-adopters of Newcastle Disease vaccine in Tanzania
Comparing smallholder poultry husbandry practices between adopters and non-adopters of Newcastle Disease vaccine in India
Impact study of dewormers in goats and chickens in India and Tanzania
Estimating the impact of administration of dewormers on smallholder chickens in Odisha State, India
The impact of anthelmintic drugs on weight gain of smallholder goats in subtropical regions