Over one billion lives depend on livestock

GALVmed aims to make a significant contribution towards transformational change in the small-scale livestock health landscape by developing a portfolio of high impact products and initiating a range of private sector market initiatives operating at scale in the smallholder sector.

About us

Year in Review: GALVmed 2024

This comprehensive report summarises the accomplishments and milestones that shaped the course of our journey and endeavours in 2024.  From product and market development to critical partnerships and regulatory advancements, this report reflects our team’s dedication and collective efforts, contributing to the achievement of GALVmed’s mission. Read it here.

Child with goat



Our Vision

Transformational improvement in the well-being and economic progression of small-scale livestock producers.

Our Mission

We will contribute to the transformation of small-scale livestock producers’ lives by:

  • understanding the constraints to animal health and how to overcome them;
  • engaging the animal health industry; and
  • ensuring awareness, availability and adoption of effective animal health interventions.

Infographic with GALVmed Achievements. 1.2 billion livestock vaccines, therapeutics and other animal health products sold to small-scale producers from 2014 to 2022. 23.7 million livestock deaths averted from 2014 to 2022. Approximately $52.5 million in poultry deaths averted from Newcastle disease from 2014 to 2022. 5.7 million cumulative annual customers served from 2014 to 2022. 13 products taken to full development from 2010, of which 8 have been commercialized. 9 products registered to date under the Mutual Recognition Procedure.

Our work

Product development

GALVmed specialises in product development partnerships uniquely established to translate global research progress into tangible livestock disease control tools for the developing world.

Commercial development

Our work with our partners supports the small-scale livestock producers of the world.

Enabling Environment

An enabling environment that allows for the successful translation of research products to sustainable animal health solutions for small scale livestock producers is essential to achieving GALVmed’s mission.


How to bridge the divide across Africa’s fragmented veterinary medicine sector

With a rapidly growing population and demand for animal-derived protein, enabling the veterinary sector to address the diverse needs and challenges of small-scale producers is not only possible, but also critical to Africa’s sustainable development.

How Clinical Diagnostics Could Help the Global Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

The misuse of antibiotics in both human and animal health has created an urgent health emergency globally. The resistance of microbes to antibiotics that are constantly used to combat them makes infections harder to treat, creating an antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis directly responsible for up to 1.27 million global human deaths as of 2019.

Modelling and field studies: Essential M&E tools to understand our impact

Understanding how adoption translates into economic and other benefits for SSPs is central to our mission. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) gives us a structured way to assess these outcomes.

Voices from the field

How to bridge the divide across Africa’s fragmented veterinary medicine sector

With a rapidly growing population and demand for animal-derived protein, enabling the veterinary sector to address the diverse needs and challenges of small-scale producers is not only possible, but also critical to Africa’s sustainable development.

How Clinical Diagnostics Could Help the Global Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

The misuse of antibiotics in both human and animal health has created an urgent health emergency globally. The resistance of microbes to antibiotics that are constantly used to combat them makes infections harder to treat, creating an antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis directly responsible for up to 1.27 million global human deaths as of 2019.

Modelling and field studies: Essential M&E tools to understand our impact

Understanding how adoption translates into economic and other benefits for SSPs is central to our mission. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) gives us a structured way to assess these outcomes.

Man with cows in a shed, smiling and holding an electronic device

Monitoring and Evaluation: Designing for impact

At GALVmed, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is not an afterthought. It is integrated from the very start of the development of new projects and programmes. This approach ensures that our projects are designed with a clear vision of impact.

Breaking new ground in the regulatory environment: the EAC Mutual Recognition Procedure expands its product scope to include veterinary ectoparasiticides

As of June 2024, the Mutual Recognition Procedure has been extended to also include registration of veterinary ectoparasiticides.

Read more Voices from the field articles…