The conference will take place from 28-29 November, 2014 at the National Agricultural Science Centre (NASC) in Pusa, New Delhi. One of the main objectives of the conference will be to facilitate the preparation of a national strategy and action plan for addressing the disease.
The disease has a mortality rate of between 30-40% and affects nearly 50-60% of the small ruminant livestock. In India, PPR is considered as the most important disease of small ruminants and one of the ten major diseases of livestock.
Considered a fairly new disease PPR was detected only in 1942 in Africa and first reported in India in 1987 in a small hamlet in Tamil Nadu. The disease has since spread to many parts of the country. This has adversely affected the livestock industry, including export of small animals’ products. There have been recent reports that 65 nations have banned the import of woolen carpets from India due to lack of vaccination of sheep against PPR and Foot and Mouth diseases. This has contributed to a significant loss in the sector.
“Several states have made serious efforts over the last 5-8 years to combat the disease through regular vaccinations which has reduced the mortality rate, however, sustainable efforts are required to control the disease and this conference is just a beginning towards these efforts,” said Dr Narayan Hegde, Trustee and Advisor, BAIF.
A strong network of key stakeholders including virologists, farmers, health scientists engaged in PPR disease control, manufacturers of vaccine and diagnostics, State Animal Husbandry Department and voluntary organizations engaged in sheep and goat development is required work together to be able to control the disease. This conference is therefore going to play a major role in establishing and launching this network of various people involved in the livestock sector. “A holistic approach involving all stake holders would be the key to success in combating this disease,” said Dr Mamta Dhawan Regional Manager for South Asia GALVmed.
The conference has been organized by BAIF Development Research Foundation with support from the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed) and has attracted the attention of many reputed international organizations such as OIE based in Paris, International Livestock Research Institute based Nairobi, IFAD, FAO and GALVmed which are actively engaged in livestock development.
For press inquiries, contact:
Dr Mamta Dhawan, GALVmed
Mobile: 9818866447