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By: Rose Peter, Programme Manager: Animal African Trypanosomosis

In recent weeks I have attended a couple of conferences where tryps have been on the agenda.  One was in Liverpool, England (World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP)) and  very much focused on research both of new drugs for old parasites and field studies. Attendees were from 65 countries. We at GALVmed presented two posters, one on the development of new therapeutic trypanocides and one on the quality control of trypanocides  that has been facilitated by GALVmed at two laboratories in Africa (LACOMEV in Senegal and the TFDA in Tanzania). Both posters were well accepted and there were some lively discussions specifically in regards to the development of a therapeutic trypanocide with some interested commercial parties.

This week, I find myself in Ndjamema, Chad for the 33rd General Conference of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomosis Research and Control (ISTRC) and the 14th Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC) Coordinators Meeting. Some members of our Animal African Trypanosomosis (Tryps) steering committee as well as a number of our collaborators are here. A true Tryps and tsetse fest – it is good to find out what is happening currently in those countries that are so severely affected by this scourge.

Later in the week there will be a number of presentations on some of the work that GALVmed is currently involved in. Already there is interest with discussions with a number of government ministers in regards to the need for new effective drugs, not only for cattle but camels.

For more information on our Tryps project read “Seeking the Next Generation of Livestock Trypanocides”.