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Beatrice Ouma

Senior Manager, Communications

Office: Nairobi

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Role in GALVmed

My very exciting role is to lead the implementation of a robust communications strategy for GALVmed. This involves strategic, targeted communications and campaigns that influence various stakeholders that GALVmed engages with at different levels.

Joined GALVmed

October 2014




I have a Master’s degree in Development Communications from Daystar University, Kenya and a Bachelor’s degree in Languages and Literary Studies from Moi University, Kenya. Throughout my career, I have undertaken various professional courses that have sharpened my skills in communications.

Relevant career highlights

I am an accomplished communications and knowledge management specialist with over 10 years’ experience in international development organisations. Previous roles have been with the Institute of Development Studies (Future Agricultures Consortium Project), where I was responsible for developing and implementing tailored communication plans for Future Agricultures’ eight themes and country research projects.  I have also worked with DAI in the FoodTrade East and Southern Africa Project, Heifer International, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Gender and Diversity (G&D) Programme and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).


I have an interest in activities that involve pushing my mental and physical abilities. I also like to think of myself as an explorer, always looking for new ideas and exciting places to experience cultures different from mine. There is a long list on my bucket list yet to be fulfilled but I intend to tick them all.