With the first month of 2023 already behind us, it is time for me to reach out and wish you and your families a very good year, abundant with happiness, success, and positive experiences. We at GALVmed are excited about the opportunities and adventures this New Year holds in store and look forward to a […]
Timely and effective marketing authorisation of veterinary medicines requires a combination of rigorous scientific evaluation and efficient management of procedures. In line with GALVmed’s role in implementing the AgResults Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Vaccine Challenge Project in Eastern Africa, GALVmed has worked with the Secretariat of the East African Community (EAC) to support National […]
Edinburgh, UK (September 26, 2022) – GALVmed is pleased to announce Dr Isabelle Dieuzy-Labaye as the new Chair of its Board of Trustees. Isabelle takes over from Professor Paul Wood who has retired from this position in September 2022. Isabelle has over 20 years of experience in the animal health market and in the life […]
In 2021, GALVmed and Ceva Santé Animale launched PREVENT (PRomoting and Enabling Vaccination Efficiently, Now and Tomorrow), a 4-year initiative that aims to improve the efficiency and sustainability of small-scale poultry production in Sub-Saharan Africa. One of the key objectives of this project is not only to boost poultry productivity but to bring a pragmatic […]
Edinburgh, UK (March 16, 2022) – The Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed) has partnered with Elanco Animal Health to launch a new initiative to manage ticks and tick-borne diseases in Africa. MAHABA (Managing Animal Health and Acaricides for a Better Africa) aims to support small-scale producers in Nigeria and Uganda by defining and […]
At the occasion of the first Newsletter of the year, please receive my heartfelt wishes for a distinctively healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. I sincerely hope that the epidemiological risk of SARS CoV-2 will continue to diminish with increasing progress in public health management, GALVmed very much welcomes the relaxation of restrictions announced by […]
Located in Pwani region to the east of Tanzania’s Dar es Salaam region, Mkuza farm is a family hatchery business which has been in operation for more than twenty years. When we visited the hatchery, employees were hard at work tending to various aspects of the business. The business mainly supplies day-old broiler and layer […]
TribeCo, GALVmed’s animal distribution partner in Ghana, recently took possession of six million doses of various poultry vaccines from veterinary health company Ceva Santé Animale. The consignment, which was delivered in early December 2021 is part of Tribecovet’s strategy to source livestock and poultry vaccines and medicines directly from manufacturers, to increase its profitability and […]
An open letter to G20 leaders from the Action for Animal Health coalition. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on our lives, diseases from animals were causing 2.7 million human deaths a year. Over 75% of new human infectious diseases emerge from animals, with zoonotic diseases affecting over 2 billion people. Over the last decade, zoonotic diseases […]
Fresh understanding of a cattle bug offers potential to design novel drug interventions for a devastating condition 21/07/2021 – Insights into a parasite that kills 3 million livestock each year could underpin the development of much-needed new treatments for infection. Researchers have gained understanding of the parasite that causes animal African trypanosome (AAT) infection, the […]