Home News General GALVmed welcomes new staff
Rabo and Claudia photo
In the last month, we’ve added two new staff members to our Edinburgh and Africa offices.

Rabogajane Busang joined us in Edinburgh as the Contracts and Intellectual Assets Manager. Rabogajane has previously worked with a leading intellectual property law firm, the South African Medical Research Council and a European Union-funded intellectual property research project. Our former Contracts and Intellectual Assets Manager, Gwynneth Clay, has moved to the role of Portfolio Manager.

“I’m excited to join the dynamic GALVmed team and look forward to helping GALVmed achieve great things for the benefit of poorer communities,” said Rabogajane.

Claudia Cordel, our new Swine Project Manager, joined our Research and Development Department and will be based in South Africa. She will focus on our porcine cysticercosis programme. Claudia is a vet. Her work spans clinical practice where she specialised in assisted reproductive techniques and in veterinary clinical trials on all species.

“I am tremendously excited to be part of this dynamic organisation and team,” said Claudia. “It will be a privilege to work with and learn from all of you.”

For more information on GALVmed staff, visit our staff pages and biographies.